Operation Area
North Baturaja Block PSC
- North Baturaja Block (NBB) is located at Ogan Komering Ilir (Area-I) and Ogan Komering Ulu Timur (Area-I) regencies, South Sumatra Province, about 100 km to Palembang city to the North.
- Geologically, the block is located in the oil rich Lematang Sub Basin of the prolific South Sumatra Basin.
- Close to oil and gas infrastructures. Oil or gas production can simply be tied-in to existing infrastructures.
| North Baturaja Block PSC
North Baturaja Block PSC originally covers an area of 4,295 km2. After final relinquishment, the area retained 858.97 km2. It is adjacent to Tanjung Miring Timur (22.3 MMBO and 1,300 BOPD); Pertamina EP Prabumulih (250 MMBO and 20,000 BOPD) and Ogan Komering Block Pertamina Hulu Energi – OKU (50 MMBO and 5,000 BOPD).
The Block is located at the southeastern margin of South Sumatra Basin. The Basin is one of the most prolific hydrocarbon area in Indonesia. Area-I is characterized by Miocene Reefal Carbonate of Baturaja Formation developing very well entirely area. Area-II is pretty similar play to Sampoerna field producing 1,000 to 1,500 BOPD which is located just 20 km to south and Air Serdang oil field produce 3,000 – 5,000 BOPD from Baturaja and Talang Akar reservoirs.
The primary reservoir target is Miocene Baturaja limestone (BRF) and Oligo-Miocene Talang Akar sandstone (TAF). The hydrocarbon is generally trapped structural four way closure. Lacustrine shale of Lower TAF and Marine shale of Upper TAF provide prolific hydrocarbon source which believed migrating to the area. Oil and gas generated from Tanjung Miring deep kitchen. Other potential kitchens are also expected from Cintamani Sub-basin and Jantung Sub-basin.
Based on our latest detail evaluation incoporating all G&G and engineering data identified 2 (two) Prospects and 3 (three) Leads. Volumetric calculation and risking estimate a total of 336 MMBO of un-risked resources with risk to find hydrocarbon in this area is low to moderate.